Where to Adopt a Pet in Evansville!
Today is national Puppy Day!! So I figure what better way to celebrate than with places to find your next furry family member!
You've heard me talk about them a thousand times, Wrigley and George are my sweet puppers. They're both rescues. And I have to say, once you go rescue...you never go back (I'm going to have to work on the phrasing a bit).
Did you know that according to the ASPCA each year approximately 6.5 million companion animals enter shelters? And of that 6.5 million, 1.5 million of those animals will be euthanized? Both of those numbers are entirely too high. So with the help of people making the conscious decisions to spay and neuter their pets, and consider rescuing their next pet, we can help make those numbers go down.
I really don't know what I'd do without these two dumb dumbs making me smile every day.
If you think a rescued pet could be the perfect fit for you and your family, check out these Evansville Area Shelters, chances are at one of these you'll find the pet that is the perfect fit for your family!
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