Sixth Grader Is No Match For Top High School Talent In North Carolina [Video]
When it comes to basketball, how good is good? Damon Harge is good and only a sixth grader. Most people have no idea how talented most athletes are that get to the next level, let alone be any good at that level. The ones who make it to the highest level are the elite of the elite and only a very small percentage ever have a shot at the pros.
In Southern Indiana for example we have had some great talent come out of here and go to that level...players like Walter McCarty, Calbert Cheaney, Kevin Hardy to name a few. Let's not forget the Zeller Brothers from Washington, Indiana...Luke, who starred at Notre Dame; Tyler, a senior starter at North Carolina and the youngest of the Zellers, Cody, who is in his freshman year at Indiana and I believe will be a number one draft pick someday.
Another name you will be hearing is Damon Harge who is 12, stands 5-foot-4 and weighs a mere 120 pounds and lives in North Carolina. This 12-year-old is so good, he is playing at the high school level and just torching the best talent at that level. Watch Harge in action below...some are saying he might be the best talent that anyone has seen in a very, very long time.