Scott Township Fire Department Offering Free Child Car Seat Safety Check April 9th
Having kids is without a doubt the hardest job in the world, especially when they're babies and toddlers. There are not too many other professions I can think of, outside of those in the medical field, where your one and only responsibility is keeping another human being alive. They can't eat unless you feed them, and they can't protect themselves from the dangers of the world unless you're there to do it for them. That includes plugging electrical outlets, keeping the cabinets where you store your cleaning supplies locked, covering hard corners to keep them from badly hurting themselves when they fall, and making sure they're locked in and secure whenever you take them somewhere in the car. In order to do that as safely as possible, you not only need to have the right car seat, you need to make sure it's installed properly, and the Scott Township Fire Department on Evansville's north side is offering to help you with that for free.
Scott Township Fire & EMS Free Car Seat Clinic
My wife and I are well past the car seat stage with our kids (at 17 and 15 they're now driving their own vehicles 😳), but I still remember the days of trying to get their car seats locked into place. I'm the type of that if I'm hauling something in the back of my truck, I make sure it is locked down tight and won't move an inch before I leave. Our kids' car seats were the same way. I'd put the base in the back seat, place my knee on it, the put all my weight into it, sinking it down into the seat to make sure I could pull the seatbelt as tight as I could. Overkill? Probably. But, I knew those seats weren't going anywhere which gave me some peace of mind.
I doubt inspectors with the Scott Township Fire Department will go quite that far when you stop by their car seat clinic on Saturday, April 9th (2022) from 10:00 AM until 2:00 PM, but they will take a look at how you have your seat installed and let you know if you're good to go, or if you need to secure it another way to make sure your child is as safe as possible when riding in the car.
Inspectors will also let you know if your car seat still meets the current safety standards which seem to evolve all the time. Our two kids are only two years apart in age, but by the time our daughter was born, the car seat we used for our son when he was born was outdated. In the event you already know your current car seat doesn't meet today's standards, you can call Kevin Pritchett with the Department at 812-550-8447 ahead of the clinic and they will provide you with a new one you can pick up that day.
Scott Township Fire & EMS Station 2 Location
The station is located at 12845 Indiana Highway 57 near the intersection with Green River Road in northern Vanderburgh County.
[Source: Scott Township Fire & EMS on Facebook]
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