My Wife Is My Cake Boss – Show Us Your Cakes
With The Cake Boss coming to The Victory Theater on August 5th, I thought about how many cool cakes my wife has made. A speech therapist by occupation, she really longs to be a baker. I wanted to show off her cake, and I would love to see yours too.
In the time we've been together, she's baked a lot of awesome cakes, my favorite being a Mario Bros. cake complete with green pipes. Sadly, I have no pictures of that cake, nor do I have pictures of the awesome Wow Wow Wubzy cake she made for a friend's birthday. Heck I didn't know who Wubzy was, but that cake was spot-on. The picture I do have is this one for the same friend, who a year later dined on sponge cake...Sponge Bob Square Cake that is.
I hope you've kept better photo records of your cakes. Please send them in below, so I can share them with the Tri-State, and don't forget to get your Cake Boss Tickets for August 5th!