Indiana State Police Participating in National Drug Take Back Day This Saturday
At some point over the next few days, open up your medicine cabinet and take a look around. Chances are there's a bottle or two of prescription medication that is well past its expiration date hiding behind the toothpaste, deodorant, makeup, and whatever else is in there. It could be an antibiotic you were prescribed when you were sick but never finished taking because you felt better before all the pills were gone, or it could be something much stronger like a muscle relaxer or pain pill you were given due to an injury or surgical procedure. Whatever they are, you likely don't need them anymore or you would have remembered they were there in the first place. But, maybe you don't know how to properly dispose of them. Do you just throw them in the trash? No, because what if an animal or someone else in your house got into them? That could end badly. Do you flush them down the toilet? That's not a good idea either. You don't want them dissolving into the water system. Instead, let the Indiana State Police handle getting rid of them for you.
The statewide law enforcement agency is once again participating in the Drug Enforcement Agency's National Drug Takeback Day this Saturday, October 23rd (2021). Taking place at the Indiana State Police Post on Highway 41 North, just before the Interstate 64 interchange (19411 Highway 41 North, to be exact) from 10:00 AM until 2:00 PM, the event allows you to bring any expired or unused prescription pill or liquid medication to the post to be properly disposed of anonymously and with no questions asked.
Vaping pens with the batteries removed and vaping cartridges will also be accepted. However, needles and syringes will not.

The goal of the annual event is to help curb, if not eliminate entirely, the theft of prescription drugs that lead to abuse, and sometimes far more tragic situations like death. According to the 2019 National Survey on Drug Use and Health, and shared by the DEA on their Take Back Day website:
9.7 million people misused prescription pain relievers, 4.9 million people misused prescription stimulants, and 5.9 million people misused prescription tranquilizers or sedatives in 2019. The survey also showed that a majority of misused prescription drugs were obtained from family and friends, often from the home medicine cabinet.
This will be the second time this year the DEA has held the campaign, the first being in April where, with the help of law enforcement agencies around the country, collected 420 TONS of prescription drugs, pushing the all-time total for the event over the 7,000 ton mark.
If the Indiana State Police Post in Evansville is a bit too far of a drive for you to participate this Saturday, there are other locations accepting them as well that may be a bit closer. You can find the location nearest you through the Drug Enforcement Agency's website.
[Source: Indiana State Police]
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