A one-of-a-kind world championship sports tournament is coming to Illinois.

Sports Are A Big Deal In Illinois

During any giveaway weekend, drive through any town in Illinois and you will find some sort of games, athletics, and sports going on. Depending on the season, the parking lots of indoor or outdoor facilities will be overflowing with vehicles.

History Of Sports Champions In Illinois

Think about the history of the Championships in Illinois. There have been some amazing teams including the Bears, Bulls, Cubs, White Sox, and Blackhawks. That is just some off the top of my head. I am sure there are many more.

Growing Up Playing Sports In Illinois

Back when I was growing up, we did not have video games, social media, streaming services, devices, and the internet like the kids do today. We did not stay at home and in the house because we knew our parents would give us chores to do. Instead, we went outside to play sports with our friends.

One Of My Favorite Sports As A Kid

When I was a child, one of my favorite sports to play with my friends was Wiffle Ball. I really liked baseball so this was a simpler version. You did not need all the equipment, players, and a huge field. It was easy to play with a couple of friends in the backyard. Even though it is more of a younger kids' sport, we actually enjoyed it as we got older because we really learned the skills of the game.

You're Not Going To Believe What World Championships Are Coming To Illinois

The Wiffle Ball World Championships are coming to Illinois this summer on July 16th and 17th in Midlothian.

According to worldwiffleball.org,

"In the summer of 1980, eight teams competed for the world’s first Wiffle® Ball title in Mishawaka, Indiana."


"Since then, this once tiny tournament has grown up to become the oldest, largest, and most prestigious plastic bat and ball event on the globe."


"Now, over one weekend in mid-July, the legendary World Wiffle® Ball Championship is played at Memorial Park’s massive 30-field wiffleball complex, in Midlothian, Illinois, a suburb of Chicago."

For more info, HERE.

LOOK: 50 images of winning moments from sports history

Sometimes images are the best way to honor the figures we've lost. When tragedy swiftly reminds us that sports are far from the most consequential thing in life, we can still look back on an athlete's winning moment that felt larger than life, remaining grateful for their sacrifice on the court and bringing joy to millions.

Read on to explore the full collection of 50 images Stacker compiled showcasing various iconic winning moments in sports history. Covering achievements from a multitude of sports, these images represent stunning personal achievements, team championships, and athletic perseverance.

CHECK IT OUT: 100 sports records and the stories behind them

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