I am so incredibly proud to say this guy is my friend. The talented fella in this video is Doug Goodwin and he is the band director at Helfrich Park STEM Academy. Because he spends more time with his students than most teachers, Mr. Goodwin has a really special bond and relationship with those young folks.

Over the weekend, Mr. Goodwin decided to something special for the outgoing 8th graders at Helfrich Park. As you'll see, Mr. Goodwin is a ridiculously talented saxophone player. He put that talent to good use by recording all four parts in a quartet of the classic Irish ballad "Danny Boy."

This isn't the first time I've bragged about Mr. Goodwin. You might remember late last year when I had nothing but words of praise for him after I chaperoned a trip to Fort Wayne with HP band when they were ONLY middle school band in the state to perform at the annual IMEA Conference. Oh yeah, I can't forget to mention that back in 2018 Mr. Goodwin was recognized by University of Evansville officials as one of the Outstanding Educators of the Year for Vanderburgh County.

Thanks Mr. Goodwin for all you have done and continue to do for our kids. And thanks for this touching send-off.

Here's another example of someone who came up with a creative way to pass the time and lift spirits during quarantine.


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