YouTube Star Sets 120 Christmas Trees On Fire
Recycling your Christmas tree, just got kicked up a notch.
Right now, you probably have a Christmas tree that needs recycled or know someone who does. Real trees are always fun because you get to pick one out, they smell so good, but there's always those little bugs and the sap you have to watch out for. Once Christmas is over, I always think of those who have to get rid of it. I see several on the street corner or just pitched in the woods. A lot of places will take them as donations to make mulch (we even have one here in the tri-state, which you can check out here). But if you want to do something a little more fun or different, you can always burn it (safely, with caution and pending size and your area always contact your local fire department).
After not thinking much about the recycling of Christmas trees, I was on YouTube just scrolling through. I love YouTube. I watch videos nightly of several channels I follow. One channel I follow happens to be Off The Ranch with this guy named Matt. He has three channels actually, one is Vet Ranch for his Vet business where he works his day job (as a Veterinarian) taking care of animals and using the money he makes to pay for their treatments and getting them adopted out! It's one of my favorite channels on YouTube. He has another about his more personal life which is Off The Ranch and currently he bought an abandoned mansion and is renovating it. His third channel which is the one he started with, is called Demolition Ranch. Hence the title, I am sure you can figure out what he does on that channel.
Nonetheless, I was scrolling and saw the title of his video where he was setting 120 Christmas trees on fire. I was intrigued. I have seen people burn a leftover Christmas tree but not 120! He clearly states he even had to get a permit and the fire department was on site. Check it out!
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