You Can Play In An Adult Kickball League In Evansville This Fall!
Do you remember those "fun days" in P.E. class where you got to play kickball? Those were the best. Now you can relive those days with an adult kickball league in Evansville.
I played in an adult kickball league a few years back and it was so much fun! You can come up with a clever team name, hang out with friends, and be a kid again. I need to gather some friends and get a team ready before the season starts on August 28th.
If you want to play in the Evansville Sports and Social Club's Fall 2019 Adult Kickball league, registration is already going on. Early registration ends on August 14th and late registration ends on August 27th. This is a 21+ coed league. Games will be held Wednesday nights at Kleymeyer Park. For more information on how you and your team can sign up, check out the post below.
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