Try These DIY Repellants to Keep Snakes Out of Your Yard
If keeping snakes out of your yard is a top priority, these DIY repellants might do the trick!
Over the years, we have shared with you several DIY life hacks to save you some time, effort, and even money. A few of these examples include DIY remedies to get rid of skunks, a DIY beer mosquito repellant, DIY remedies to get rid of stink bugs, DIY hacks to get rid of moles, and even a DIY wasp repellant. All of which have seen a lot of success. Now, we have another one that just might help you out around the house this summer.
DIY Repellants To Keep Snakes Away From Your Yard
It's no secret that I am very afraid of snakes. That being said, I do understand are some benefits to keeping them around. However, if I were to see one in my yard, I would instinctively run away. If you're like me and would prefer not to have snakes in your yard, there are a few DIY repellants that you can try to keep them away.
Clove & Cinnamon Oil
Clove and cinnamon oil are effective snake repellents, according to Jody Millard Pest Control. You can use this mixture when you spot a snake in your yard...if you are brave enough to get close enough to the snake.
These should be mixed together in a spray bottle and sprayed directly on snakes for maximum effect. Use caution as snakes will often run in the opposite direction of the spray.
Garlic & Onions
There are a couple of options that you can try when it comes to garlic and onions. The first of which would be to mix garlic and onions with rock salt and sprinkle them around your home and yard. This works because of the sulfonic acid in garlic and onions. Snakes aren't a fan, so it's a natural repellant. Jody Millard Pest Control says that you can also infuse garlic into any essential oil and use it to fumigate rafters, basements, and other hard-to-reach places.
Another option would be to create a mix of onion powder and water to spray around your house like this:
This is another odor that snakes hate. So you can spray it around any areas in your yard where snakes might want to hang out. Jody Millard Pest Control also talks about another way you can use ammonia to repel snakes:
Another option is to soak a rag in ammonia and place it in an unsealed bag near any areas inhabited by snakes to deter them away.
This chemical is highly toxic, so be very careful and avoid this method if you have children or pets.
Lime & Chili
This combo isn't only good for a delicious Mexican meal, it will also keep snakes away from your home. According to The Habitat, Create an effective snake repellent with just lime juice and hot pepper extract. Dilute equal parts of the two in a gallon of water and apply around the perimeter of the property. Snakes don’t like the smell of the mixture and the fumes are also itchy on their skin.
Vinegar Mix
The Habitat says that you can make a non-toxic snake repellant using vinegar, salt, and dish soap.
To make your very own non-toxic snake repellent, get a gallon of vinegar, and mix in a cup of salt and two tablespoons of dish soap. Give it a swirl and transfer it to a spray bottle. Apply generously in areas where snakes like to congregate or hide.
The acidity irritates snakeskin and will make them think twice about entering your yard or home. Vinegar is especially effective at repelling snakes near bodies of water, including swimming pools.
This is one sake repellant that my family swears by and has used for years...and we have yet to find a snake in our yard when we have laid these out. The toxic chemical compound naphthalene is found in most commercial snake repellents. You can place this throughout your yard by pushing them into the ground, where snakes might roam, or you can even toss them in your crawlspace or in cracks of your foundation to keep snakes out of your house.
Other Tips
Trying out the above repellants should help keep snakes out of your yard, but you can also try a few other things too. First, eliminate their food sources. Snakes feed on rodents, frogs, birds, moles, voles, insects, and even fish. If you get rid of snakes' food sources, they will move on somewhere else to find food. That could be a lot of work in itself, so another thing you can try is landscaping. Garden regularly to remove any snake attractants like debris, holes, and overgrowth. Keep the grass cut short to eliminate hiding places for snakes. You can even plant snake repellent plants that provide a natural deterrent. Some common examples include marigolds, lemongrass, and wormwood. Also, try sealing up any cracks in your foundation to keep them from hiding out under or inside of your house.
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