Tri-State Sign Of The Week- Concord Custom Cleaners
WKDQ wants to feature funny/creative signs that businesses in the Tri-State area put up. Have you ever passed by a sign with a funny/creative quote on there? Everyone has! Here's a pretty good example of one here in the Tri-State.
Signs like that are becoming more and more popular for businesses to do. That's why we want to see those signs in a new feature we call the WKDQ Tri-State Sign Of The Week! If you see any funny signs like this in the area, share them with us. We would love to feature them! You can submit your photos in the form at the bottom of this post.
This weeks sign comes to us from Owensboro, Kentucky. Concord Custom Cleaners on Highway 54 usually has some creative signs. This sign was sent to us by Nick McCurry. Concord Custom Cleaners has a pretty good sense of humor. Their sign isn't wrong. They are a dry cleaners, so they work with dirty things! Love it!
Submit your photos of funny/creative business signs in the Tri-State below!
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