Book your stay and see if you can crack the case during this murder mystery weekend at a popular Indiana hotel.

I don't know about you, but I love a good murder mystery. Those are some of my favorite kinds of movies. Oftentimes, I wonder how I would fare trying to solve a murder mystery. Granted, I wouldn't want the responsibility of trying to solve a real one. But there are a lot of places that offer murder mystery experiences. Most of them are like murder mystery dinners or train rides that only last an hour. However, if you have seen any murder mystery movie, you know that the cases aren't typically solved in a day. That's why this Indiana murder mystery experience sounds exciting to me.

Three-Day Murder Mystery Weekend at West Baden Springs Hotel

When it opened in 1902, the locals anointed the West Baden Springs Hotel as the “Eighth Wonder of the World.” The hotel is the crown jewel of the French Lick Resort. While the 243 beautiful historic rooms, along with the impressive 200-foot atrium are the main attraction, the resort hosts three golf courses, two spas, another hotel, a casino, and close access to Hoosier National Forest.

West Baden Springs Hotel will have one more thing to offer guests this August, and it's something that I am "dying" to attend. Put on your detective hat for the opportunity to sort through all the red herrings and diabolical clues of a juicy murder mystery spread over three days inside the historic hotel. The Murder Mystery Weekend will be on August 23rd through 25th. Just looking at the schedule of events over this three-day immersive experience has me feeling like I am Sherlock Holmes.

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According to West Baden Springs Hotel, this is what you can expect over the three-day murder mystery stay:


4pm – Afternoon Check-In

7pm - 9pm – Evening Reception
Meet your Murder Mystery host after check-in at the welcome reception, with heavy hors d'oeuvres and cash bar, where you will be given a suspect list and other material. Do not trust anyone at the hotel, including the person you came with. (You never know, anyone could be involved!)

Get to know your fellow guests as soon as possible. Don’t be afraid to ask questions and start narrowing down your suspect list — everyone is fair game. Something is bound to happen here.


9am - 10am – Breakfast

The mystery will be well underway at this point. For the early risers, this will be a good time for some important updates.

10am - 1pm  Free Time

Take a little break from the case and feel free to relax and explore the hotel.

1pm - 2pm – Lunch

You’re not going to want to miss this. Be prepared for some twists and turns. 

2pm - 7pm  Free Time

You’re on your own again. Go shopping, visit the historic sites … and maybe keep an eye on your favorite suspect.

7pm - 9:30pm – Reception/Dinner

Things will probably turn a little nasty right about now! Just when you think you’ve got this whole thing figured out … things change.

9:30pm till…?

More time on your own. This is a period of great introspection, deep thought and playing hunches.


10am - Noon – Brunch

When you enter the dining room for the denouement, you will be expected to hand in your final solution.

This is where it all comes together. Were you right?  Did that one little slip of the tongue by your favorite suspect pay off? The final scene is dramatic and quite rewarding. The grand prize is awarded to the sleuth with the best solution, with more prizes going to the most hilarious answers.

Noon – Check-Out

End of Murder Mystery Weekend. Hopefully you cracked the case.

I'm hoping that my fiancee reads this and surprises me with a trip to West Baden for this murder mystery weekend. If you think this sounds as fun as I do, you can learn more and book your stay by clicking here.

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