
Watch a Guy Use Social Media to Trick People Into Thinking He Is Psychic
Watch a Guy Use Social Media to Trick People Into Thinking He Is Psychic
Watch a Guy Use Social Media to Trick People Into Thinking He Is Psychic
How much of yourself do you put on social media sites? Chances are, you put a lot more on there than you think and in much greater detail than you think. To prove this theory, YouTube prankster Jack Vale tricked people into thinking he is psychic, simply by using the information in their own social media profiles.
The State Where People Swear the Most – F@!#ing Ohio!
The State Where People Swear the Most – F@!#ing Ohio!
The State Where People Swear the Most – F@!#ing Ohio!
S*#T! There goes another title that Indiana and Kentucky lose out on. According to a new survey, people swear more in Ohio than any other state in the Union, followed by Maryland and New Jersey...well there's a f@!#ing surprise - what no New York? By contrast, the state with the fewest people who swear and the most goody two-shoes is Washington.
Racist Juror Sentenced To Life….Sort Of
Racist Juror Sentenced To Life….Sort Of
Racist Juror Sentenced To Life….Sort Of
A Brooklyn woman called to serve jury duty in the death penalty trial of New York city mob boss Vincent Basciano may not have been being entirely honest when she wrote in her jury questionnaire that the people she least admired were "African-Americans, Hispanics and Haitians," and that police officers are "lazy." It isn't uncommon for potential jurors to put offensive statement