Finding the right car seat for your kid is not only necessary but extremely important. Their safety and comfort are top priority and this car seat on Amazon has over 60,000 reviews and a solid five-star rating.
Summer's coming in hot and we all know that keeping little ones entertained during those hot and sticky months can be somewhat of a challenge. It doesn't have to be, though, thanks to these baby essentials that'll keep your little cherubs protected from the elements.
One thing about kids, they will stick to their guns and stand firm on whatever they are telling you. My son and I had an exchange last night about some homework he said he "lost". As flawed as his argument was, he never broke from his story and stuck to it like glue on a hair piece.
I know I probably shouldn't say this, but my wife Lisa is quite the snorer, especially when she is really tired. Sometimes it is so loud, it's almost entertaining and there have been times when she would start with one really loud inhale and scare the crap out of me.
Our children know us by sound and by sight when they are babies. Change something about your appearance and your child might try and keep you at arms length and could be very unsure of you. My daughter Emily never knew me without a mustache and needless to say, when I shaved it...she was not happy and kinda freaked out when she was 18 months old.
Today is my first day back from a family vacation in St. Augustine, Florida. We spent a lot of time at the resort pool and during one frightening moment, my two-year-old nephew, Max, ran back into the pool after his water wings were removed, which caused three of us to jump up and run to the pool and grab him. Very scary, crisis averted. A lot of children will be in the pool over the 4th of July h
I kill myself in the gym at the Downtown Evansville YMCA everyday. I have finally gotten to the point where I feel pretty comfortable and confident with my workout. I even attempted a few pull-ups the other day that I haven't done since high school. I couldn't do very many and talk about a confidence buster - the baby in the below video crushed my self-esteem.
Nothing makes the world go around quite like babies. Every parent has a story about their children when they were babies that they will tell until their dying day. I have several about each of my kids that are priceless and that I I will never forget.
It's election day and if you need something to jump start your day, this video will do just that, and get you all pumped up to battle the polls. This video is pretty straightforward featuring a baby and a dragon that will fight to the end.