SCAM ALERT: Text Scams That Look Legit Are On The Rise Involving Apple, FedEx, Food Stamps and More
Unfortunately, it’s inevitable that at some point, you will be tempted by a scammer. The scammers out there are very cunning in their ways and means to get you to click on a link that you shouldn’t touch with a ten foot pole. Said links, aim to take information, money and even your identity. It seems like, during the pandemic, scammers and scams have moved to whole other level.
Not only do you have to basically have a degree in criminal justice to decipher the real and fake in your work emails, but now scammers are sending you texts. Texts that look real because sometimes they even call you by name like they know you. Other times, the texts are from companies of products you own asking you to take action for claim something you’ve won or to schedule a service. All of these requests, for your action, involve a link. A link you should NEVER click.
According to consumer.ftc.gov, here are some texting red flags for you to look out for.
- say they’ve noticed some suspicious activity or log-in attempts
- claim there’s a problem with your account or your payment information
- say you must confirm some personal information
- include a fake invoice
- want you to click on a link to make a payment
- say you’re eligible to register for a government refund
- offer a coupon for free stuff
Here are some example, from my own phone and a listener named Joe, of what scamming texts look like.
SCAM ALERT: Text Scams That Look Legit Are On The Rise Involving Apple, FedEx, Food Stamps and More
Whatever you do, NEVER click one of the blue links in a text like the ones above. You know, better yet, even if the link is another color, NEVER click it. You know scammers are gonna start changing it up.
And, always remember, NEVER give your personal or your financial information to anybody, in person, in an email or over the phone.

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