Military Dad Goes From Jumbotron to the Field to Surprise Family [Video]
I have posted so many of these military surprise welcome home videos and it seems like they just keep getting better. One of the best yet happened on Saturday just prior to the South Carolina vs. Georgia football game in Columbia, South Carolina when the Faile family got a welcome they never saw coming while they were being honored as the 'military family of the game'. The family didn't know what to expect when they were directed to watch the jumbo screen for a special message from Sergeant First Class Scott Faile.
Faile's wife and two kids were watching the video message, barely able to contain their emotions when Sgt. Faile ended his message with "I'll see you real, real soon." It was about 30 seconds later that Sgt. Faile emerged from the tunnel and stepped onto the field to be greeted by his family... and greet him they did and the crowd went nuts, see for yourself below.