
Military Dad Goes From Jumbotron to the Field to Surprise Family [Video]
Military Dad Goes From Jumbotron to the Field to Surprise Family [Video]
Military Dad Goes From Jumbotron to the Field to Surprise Family [Video]
I have posted so many of these military surprise welcome home videos and it seems like they just keep getting better. One of the best yet happened on Saturday just prior to the South Carolina vs. Georgia football game in Columbia, South Carolina when the Faile family got a welcome they never saw coming while they were being honored as the 'military family of the game'.
University of Illinois Basketball Star Surprised By Marine Brother [Video]
University of Illinois Basketball Star Surprised By Marine Brother [Video]
University of Illinois Basketball Star Surprised By Marine Brother [Video]
These videos never get old and each story always has a unique aspect to it that is worth sharing. This video is a little different, as a U.S. Marine returns home to surprise his little brother before his game against Michigan. Bailey and Meyers are very close in part, because of losing their father when they were 8 and 6. The family had their share of struggles and Bailey always felt like he had t