I know Mother's Day is still a week away, but recent circumstances has made my mother top of mind. My mom is 85 and just last week suffered what turned out to be a minor stroke....thank god. She lives in California and I was finally able to get out and see her in January and introduce her to her new daughter-in-law. I left California for Evansville in 1994 and my greatest fear was being so far away in the event of an emergency. My dad passed in 2002, but I was able to make it out there and spend his last few days with him and hold his hand until the end.

I still have a hard time with that loss, but it helped me to re-focus on my mother and be thankful that she is still with us. In January, Lisa and I went out there because we had an overwhelming feeling we should. I'm eternally grateful for that feeling because my visit with her was a stark reminder of how unbelievably important she has been in my life since day 1.

While I was always a complete daddy's boy, that visit made me realize how much influence my mother had in shaping the man I am today and how much like her I really am...something I never realized before. I also never realized how in tune she was with everything going on my life, even from 2000 miles away. A mother's intuition I guess.

The last week has been very reflective where my mom is concerned and I am so relieved and happy to report that she is doing great and on the mend. I'm almost embarrassed to admit that I just now realized over the last couple of months how truly amazing she is. I have always felt so blessed to have them both and can honestly say, I have never been prouder to be my mother's son.

I found the below video that she be a reminder for us all...Happy Mother's Day mom.


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