Opossums are truly incredible creatures, and these photos show the sacrifices mothers can sometimes transcend species.

Playing Opossum or is it Possum?

It's always perplexed me that opossum and possum both refer to the same animal, but why is that?  It seems the overwhelming consensus online is that opossums are a species native to North America, whereas possums are the species native to Australia. However, according to Merriam-Webster, both spellings can be used interchangeably.

Both possum and opossum correctly refer to the Virginia opossum frequently seen in North America. In common use, possum is the usual term; in technical or scientific contexts opossum is preferred. Opossum can be pronounced with its first syllable either voiced  or silent

Photo by Jack Bulmer on Unsplash
Photo by Jack Bulmer on Unsplash

And no matter what you call them, these little guys may get a bad rap, but they're great to have around your yard.

Many people think that opossums are rodents, but that isn't true they're marsupials. And while these little guys might not be the most aesthetically pleasing to look at, they usually don't cause harm, unless you're a chicken or a bug. According to the Farmer's Almanac opossums,  are actually pretty handy little creatures to find in your yard since they eat insects, rodents, and dead animals.

Adorable Photos Show Motherhood is Universal

There's a group on Facebook called Indiana Wildlife, and I love seeing everyone's nature photos from all around the Hoosier State. One of those photos was too cute not to share.  Richard Krizmanich loves taking wildlife photos at Potato Creek State Park, and he took a couple of stunning photos of an opossum mama carrying her babies.


I love these photos Robert captured because, as the mom of a toddler, I have felt like this many times.  Although, I only have one baby (currently, due with number 2 in October), so I don't know how Mama Opossum does it!

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I think these photos are a great view into motherhood across species, and show that some aspects of motherhood transcend species. Every mom I know that I've shown these photos to has said the same thing "I know how that mama feels!"   And of course, as hard as motherhood is at times, we wouldn't trade it for the world.



LOOK: Stunning animal photos from around the world

From grazing Tibetan antelope to migrating monarch butterflies, these 50 photos of wildlife around the world capture the staggering grace of the animal kingdom. The forthcoming gallery runs sequentially from air to land to water, and focuses on birds, land mammals, aquatic life, and insects as they work in pairs or groups, or sometimes all on their own.

Gallery Credit: Nicole Caldwell


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