Southern Indiana Haunted House Opening For One Weekend in July for Your Summer Scare Fix
Christmas in July? No, it's Halloween in July!

Haunted Houses
Every October, we see all kinds of haunted houses open their doors, and invite people in for a thrill. Haunted houses and October go together like candy on Halloween, it just fits. But one haunted house has decided to bring us some summertime scares and will be opening for a weekend in July.
Malice Manor
Located in Clarksville, Indiana is Malice Manor. Malice Manor is said to be "southern Indiana's scariest haunted house." The story behind Malice Manor follows Lord Rancor, a thrill seeker who gets possessed by an evil entity that then takes over his home, his family, and his servants.
Lord Rancor, riddled with his own madness, transformed into an ominous horned creature. The servants were transfigured into demonic creatures. The Manor took on a life of its own, twisting itself into an endless labyrinth of malice and mayhem. The manor devoured the souls of anyone who stepped into, and has become know as MALICE MANOR
We love a good backstory.
Summer Slaycation
Malice Manor really must miss the haunting season, because they decided, Christmas in July who? The haunted house will open for one weekend in July to give you your mid-summer spooky fix. The Lunatic Luau will be open July 14th & 15th from 9 PM to 12 AM.
Even the Lord of the Manor takes a vacation!
Beach balls, Tiki torches, Hawaiian shirts & Umbrella Drinks in severed heads.
Come get your summer scare fix at Malice Manor’s Summer Slaycation - Lunatic Luau!
For tickets and to learn more about Malice Manor, you can check out their website, MaliceManorHauntedHouse.com.
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