IL Teen Shows True Patriotism With A Simple Gesture Of Respect For Our Flag and Those Who Defend It
The world seems to be a total mess right now. Between the all things surrounding the global pandemic, our country’s social unrest and the chaos and anger surrounding the upcoming election, we are stressed beyond what we normally are. At times, it's hard to find any ray of hope for a peaceful and sane tomorrow. Just when our future looks so cloudy and gray that it feels like our shies will be forever dark, a small and simple gleam of light shines through the darkness.
That small and simple gleam of light, comes in the form of a teenage boy from Mount Carmel, IL. Even though a teenager seems to be the most unlikely place to find direction and enlightenment, Jayden Pettyjohn did just that. With his immense respect for the American flag and those who fought for the right to fly it high and free, he gave us hope for brighter and much days ahead. A day when people like him are making decisions for our country and our future. If Jayden is any indication, we are definitely headed for better times.
It made me tear up to witness his commitment to honoring our flag. We all spend so much time trying to rip it apart in the name of politics, when in fact, we should be spending more time cherishing it and all it stands for.
Let’s all honor Jayden’s act of love, honor and respect or all the our flag represents by remembering all those who lost their lives fighting and those still fight everyday for our right to have opinions and differences. Let’s make a vow to start respecting all points of view and love each other though these challenging times.
Thank you, Jayden, for being who amazing young man the you are and thank you for teaching us all a valuable and much needed lesson.