Want to See Little Green Men? Forget Area 51, Visit Kelly, Kentucky!
So you've been hearing in the news lately that people want to storm Area 51. Forget about going all the way to Nevada. Just take a little trip to the small town of Kelly, Kentucky. Kelly is just north of Hopkinsville, and even though its a small town, it's know for something that's hardly small.
On August 21, 1955, a family experienced what they thought was an invasion of little green men. The incident sparked attention to the community. Now each year, the community celebrates the date with its own "Kelly Little Green Men Days Festival."
Last year, I did get to see the festival, and other then it being muggy and having five minute rain showers, it was a cute event! See my adventure from last year here. This year it seems like its more than before. This year, more rides will be there, along with food, arts and crafts, and live music each day of the festival. There is something for the whole family!