For most of us, the reason we make our way to Franklin Street during Fall Festival week is to gorge ourselves on the countless food options available from the over 130 booths that line both sides of the street, many of which are breaded or batter-dipped and deep fried. But what if you're trying to watch your weight? Maybe you're counting carbs, or your one of the many people on the Keto diet (which involves counting carbs, right?), does that mean you need to avoid Franklin Street like the plague? Not at all. Believe it or not, there are options available for you.

For the past several years, Deaconess Hospital has compiled a list of all the foods available that aren't cooked in a vat of oil and released them on their Wise Choice map. Just like the popular Munchie Map the Nut Club releases each year showing every option available and which booth sells it, the Wise Choice map shows you all the options available not only if you're trying to be more mindful of what you eat, but those you can have due to dietary restrictions or an allergy, and the 19 booths where you can find them.

Those options include a number of sugar free options, as well as a stuffed pepper soup, vegan wraps, along with grilled chicken and pork options.

Download a copy of the map and then get down to Franklin Street and enjoy the 2019 Fall Festival guilt free.

For more info on the Wise Choice map, including how Deaconess nutritionalists determine which items make the cut, visit the Deaconess website.

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