Facemasks as a Fashion Statement? As a Political Comment? They’re Not Just For Protection Anymore
Back in the spring of 2020 the availability of facemasks to protect us from COVID-19 was very limited. If you had one of those powder blue surgical masks, you were considered lucky.
But as the days of COVID-19 drug on and the availability and necessity of masks grew, the American marketplace responded. The white cotton masks began appearing and even became available at no charge when entering businesses that required you to wear them. When it was evident that it was going to be quite a while before we could stop wearing masks, they began appearing for sale in many styles. Football officials who are accustomed to making bad calls actually matched their masks with their zebra stripes.
Even the Fans got into the spirit--sometimes they even went overboard. . .
Some folks decorated theirs with messages. . .
and some showed their patriotism....
Have you checked the display at the supermarket lately? These are available at Schnucks...
This one is a little too cutesy for my taste...
I think this one is more my style...
But--no--I think I'll just stick with my favorite:
They do pull your ears out like mirrors on a logging truck, but we've got a case of them and they're free.
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