Evansville Teen Has Beaten All Odds, and Her Only Wish is Birthday Cards for her Birthday!
Today we recieved the sweetest message on our Facebook page from Melissa Windell West, she talked about her daughter, Hannah who is about to turn 15. In her young life Hannah has already been through more than most adults, yet she still puts a smile on her face, and manages to brighten everyone's day around her. Can you help Hannah out by sending her a birthday card?
This message will melt your heart, read it below! But first look at Hannah! You can tell in the photos her smile would light up a room!
Here's the sweet message her mom sent us:
Hello, my name is Melissa and I would love to introduce you to my soon to be 15 year old daughter, Hannah. She has been through a lot this past year. She was born with Trisomy 13 (a condition considered not compatible with life). The doctors told me that she would not make it past birth if she even made it that far. She was also born with Spinabifida. In November 2016 she was diagnosed with chronic heart failure with Thrombous (blood clots) in both the chambers of her heart. She had to have emergency open heart surgery to remove three clots, one of them being the size of a golf ball. She suffered multiple complications following the surgery, causing her to cardiac arrest twice, she then had to have a tracheostomy and G/J tube placed for feeding and medications.
Hannah spent 6 months at Riley's Children's hospital in the PICU and recently got to come home, but every day is new challenges and triumphs! She is honestly the strongest person I know. Every day she has the brightest smile on her face no matter what the days plans are. Her days include multiple doctor appointments, going to the lab for weekly blood tests, weekly EKG's, several times a day having to have her dressing changed, which is incredibly painful for her! She has the absolute best personality and you can't help but fall in love with her!!
Her Birthday is July 10th and I know she would love to receive a ton Birthday cards from anyone who would send her one! What a way to make her smile even brighter, right? Can you please help make this special girl’s birthday even brighter? Help me get the word out by sharing this with everyone you know.
Cards can be sent to:
c/o Granted
4445 Commerce Street
Suite 108
Evansville, IN 47710
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