EPD Foundation Selling Christmas Ornaments for Department Fundraiser
For the fourth straight year, the Evansville Police Department Foundation is giving you a festive option for showing your support to those who dedicate their lives to keeping our community safe through the sale of limited edition Christmas ornaments.
The ornaments (pictured above) are available for $15 each and can be purchased at the West Sector Office at 401 East Columbia Street. They can also be purchased from Debbie at Chief Bolin's office, or through Officer Jay Pagett in the Crime Prevention Office between 8:30 a.m. and 3:30 p.m..
The Foundation will use the funds raised from sales of the ornaments to continue providing specialized training for officers, needed equipment, as well as help fund their scholarship and emergency fund program for officers in need of assistance who may find themselves in need of financial aid due to medical emergencies, or property damage caused by fire, tornadoes, etc.
To learn more about what the Foundation is and does for members of the Department, visit their official website.

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