Do You Have a Noodle Board? You Will Want One! You Need One!
I was doing a recent remote broadcast on WKDQ 99.5 from the His and Hers antique/picker mall in Evansville and was introduced to my first noodle board. I had never heard of a noodle board and didn't even know we had one in our house. They've been around a long time and have several good uses.
The picture at the top of the page is ours. It's not very attractive. That's probably why when our house was built 65 years ago they made a special place where it could be tucked away under the kitchen counter like this:
We always called it a "dough board" or "bread board," and it was laid on the counter to make biscuits on or to form a pie crust. But it's really called a noodle board and was used by folks to roll out the dough and cut it into noodles. Sometimes the noodles were left to dry right on the board. Then you could hang it on the wall, or...and this brings us to the modern use...lay it over the top of your electric stove to hide the burners and add a bit of design to your kitchen. This also gives you some extra flat preparation space if you have a small kitchen. Here's an idea of what a nice one looks like.
This one is cut to fit exactly over your stove top. It has handles to make it easier to move when you want to use the stovetop and it has sides so it can also be used as a serving tray. This one is available from this ebay user.sshorn64
Here's another one which is also on ebay from this user skinnymcfatagain
This looks great and it adds all that space to work on and store stuff on. But I don't think you have to spend a lot of money to get one of these. How much talent would it take to nail a few pieces of hardwood together and screw in a couple of handles? This might make a fun project and it won't cost much. Can you imagine how these would sell at the flea market or yard sale (when they're back again). It might make a project for your church rummage sale. You're welcome.