There's nothing like a heartwarming, feel good story of neighbors helping neighbors to warm you up on a cold day and that's exactly what I woke up to this morning. My friend Kate Butler had sent me a message, along with some photographs and while I wasn't all the way awake yet, I quickly caught on to what she had sent.

She was sharing the good deeds done by Evansville Police Officer, Michael (Mike) Condiff. Kate said she felt Officer Condiff "deserves a little recognition for being an upstanding citizen in our community" and I have to agree with her, especially after seeing the photos. The driveways he cleared are not flat, level drives. Ohhh no! These driveways are at a super steep incline. As Kate put it, they are "the kind of driveways that make you say 'Man, that driveway must suck in the winter." See for yourself below,

Steep Driveways Cleared by EPD Officer Michael Condiff
Kate Butler

While telling me the story of this officer and the help he has given his neighbors, Kate said,

Officer Condiff was hard at work yesterday morning helping many of us, his fellow neighbors, by clearing off our snow covered driveways. I assure you this was no easy feat even with a snowblower. Many of our driveways are long and steep. The kind of driveways that make you say, “Man, that driveway must suck in the winter.”  Just walking up a few of our driveways feels like a whole workout in itself even without the presence of snow/ice. So as you can imagine pushing a snowblower up and down them took a lot of strength and effort on Officer Condiff’s part.


I think it’s safe to say we all greatly appreciate his selfless acts of service in being a kind, caring neighbor who went above and beyond to help out just because.

Kate was so appreciative of Officer Condiff's hard work, she said she "took him a hot, pumpkin spice cappuccino so he would stop to take a breather."

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In a world where we hear a lot of negativity regarding law enforcement, I really love being able to share the stories of the good they do for our communities too. There are good, even really great men and women on police forces across the country and Officer Condiff, clearly is one of them. If you like reading about the good things our local officers do, be sure you check out this article about an officer "pulling over" an Evansville mom to gift toys to her 2 children.

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