5 Hoosier Rules for Non-Hoosiers
The Hoosier state used to be called the “Crossroads of America” because we have like a gazillion interstates, and it was a nice way of saying “people like to drive fast through this state.” Now our state slogan is “honest to goodness Indiana” which says absolutely nothing about our state, but whatever. But if you aren’t from the Hoosier state, here’s a few things to keep in mind when ya visit!
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It’s all Coke
Just because someone says “I want a Coke” they don’t always mean they want the actual beverage of “Coca Cola” they just want a soda of some kind.
I’ve noticed this seems to be more of a Southern Indiana thing, but Southern Indiana is still Indiana so this counts.
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College basketball is serious business
I’m not kidding, in the Hoosier state we take our college basketball VERY seriously. I’d suggest if it isn’t candy striped or IU red, maybe wear something else (this is for your own safety…
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We aren’t hicks
There’s more than just corn in Indiana, we have cities, and some of our corn fields have even been torn down to build colleges. IU, Purdue, Notre Dame, Butler, DePauw, Ball State, just to name a few, are all in Indiana!
Hoosiers are a lot smarter than people give us credit for, and chances are not only are we literate, but we’re also probably a lot nicer than people are where you came from
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Time not miles
We don’t measure distance in actual distance, that’s just absurd. You don’t tell someone you live 25 miles outside of Indy, you tell them you live about 30 minutes away.
Also when you’re a Hoosier, Indiana is the state, Indy is short for Indianapolis. I’ve noticed a lot of non-Hoosiers refer to the state as a whole as “Indy” and that’s not true. Indy is short for the city of Indianapolis.
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Be nice
They don’t call it “Hoosier hospitality” for nothing! Hoosiers were raised to always remember what mama taught you “treat everyone how you’d like to be treated,” and “if you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all.” Sure there are a few bad eggs out there, but you’ll have that everywhere.
Hoosiers primarily are friendly, and polite. If you can’t at least be polite, we probably won’t like you very much.
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