The Pink Ribbon Warriors, a group of motorcycle enthusiasts in Evansville, held their annual Pink Ribbon Ride and Bra Auction for the Susan G. Komen Foundation, and one young man stole the show with his homemade bra and his reason for creating it.

13-year-old Braxton of first learned of the Pink Ribbon Warriors while he and his family were taking their dog for walk along Franklin Street one Thursday night this summer. After seeing several male Warrior members walking up and down the street taking donations while wearing decorated bras, Braxton and his parents stopped one of them and asked what was going on. Once they learned the money was being collected for Komen, Braxton volunteered right then and there to put one of the bras on and collect a few donations himself. He made just over $35 that night.

Fast forward to two weeks later. Once again, Braxton shows up for Bike Night on Franklin Street, only this time he's wearing his own custom made bra. The cups are painted camouflage, and there are a few plastic army men glued to it. Across the lower support strap is the phrase, "Stop the War on Myraq." He raised a little over $100 that night.

Jump ahead two weeks after that, and Braxton is back, rocking his military-themed bra, and parading up and down Franklin Street with the Pink Ribbon Warriors collecting even more donations. When that evening came to end, he had collected another $125-plus for Komen bringing his total to nearly $300.

That brings us to Sunday afternoon. The Pink Ribbon Warriors had wrapped up their annual Pink Ribbon Ride Poker Run and had gathered at Marina Pointe to enjoy lunch and raise more money for Komen with their annual Bra Auction featuring over 50 decorated bras (many of which were worn during the Bike Night events). As the emcee for the event, I was told Braxton's story ahead of time by the event's organizer, Marcia Frey. Together we decided we would save Braxton's bra for last, for a few reasons, including what inspired Braxton to take part in fundraising effort. That's when this happened...

If that doesn't put a smile on your face, or bring a tear to your eye, I don't know what will.

Registration for the annual Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure on September 30 is still open. Join the fight against breast and register yourself and your team now through the Komen website.


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