Walking For Dreams Family and Pet Walk Set for Sunday
During a recent interview on the Charlie Butler Show, I met State Farm agent, Paul Watzlavik. He was on the show to discuss all of the services that State Farm offers homeowners. But in an off mic discussion, I found out the Paul is involved in Walking For Dreams Evansville Family & Pet Walk in downtown Evansville. I loved everything he was saying and wanted to become involved.
Walking for Dreams began in Indianapolis in 2004. The walk expanded to include Evansville in 2016 by Paul and his wife. They thought that Evansville charities needed this amazing way to make money. The amazing part about it is that all of the 26 charities involved get to keep 100% of the money that they collect. The program partners foot the bill for the walk so that the charities have no overhead cost for the event.
Here is a list of the local charities that are involved this year!
Evansville Charities:
- Alzheimer Association
- Another Chance For Animals
- Brysons TOT10
- Courtstrong
- Dream Center Evansville
- Evansville Adoption Services (GLAD)
- Evansville Rescue Mission
- Family Matters
- God Is Good
- Granted
- It Takes A Village
- Ivy Tech Foundation
- Jacobs Village
- Keep Evansville Beautiful
- Little Lambs
- Ozanam Family Shelter
- Parenting Time Center
- Posey County Womens Fund
- Riding Hope - Hippo Therapy
- Ronald McDonald House
- St Wendel Catholic Parish
- United Methodist Youth Home
- Willow Tree
- Young & Established
- Youth First
The walk is this Sunday, May 19th at Tropicana, starting at 2:00pm. Take a look at last years event.
Be a part of this AWESOME event supporting people and pets in our community. Ryan and I will there and we want to see YOU. Bring your pet! :-)
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