Today is Rainbow Bridge Remembrance Day
If you've ever been lucky enough to love a pet, then you know hard it is on your heart to say goodbye. Today is a day to remember pets we've loved and lost.
August 28th is observed as Rainbow Bridge Remembrance Day. It's a day to remember our beloved furry (or feathered or scaled) companions we have lost. The Rainbow Bridge is a poem that many who have lost a pet use for comfort in a time of grief. If you haven't read the poem about the Rainbow Bridge, you can do so here, fair warning, you'll want to grab a tissue.
According to National Day Calendar, use Rainbow Bridge Remembrance Day to reflect. Look at photos, think of the fun memories you and your pet made together. The day also suggests taking a trip to a local animal shelter if you feel ready to do so. While a new pet will never replace the old one, it can help ease the emptiness in your heart. And if you don't feel ready, that's okay too. National Day Calendar suggests volunteering your time at a local animal shelter may also help your heart heal.
This day comes at an odd time for me, as we are very close to the 2- year anniversary of losing my sweet girl, Bailey. Bailey was a chocolate lab, and after 10 years with her we had to say goodbye on 8/30/2016. I still miss my girl. I still feel a hole in my heart from losing her. Over time it's gotten easier to see photos of her, most of the time I can look back at the memories, and smile. But sometimes it still hits me that she's gone, and I'll get choked up.
Sometimes when you lose a pet it's hard to remember that your grief is valid. Some people don't understand your loss, and that's okay. Your feelings of sadness and loss are completely valid, don't let anyone tell you otherwise. You're allowed to feel how you feel.
So today on Rainbow Bridge Remembrance day, I remember my sweet Bailey she had 10 great years with a family who loved her immensely, and that's a beautiful thing. And my Maggie girl, Maggie was my first dog, and while it seems like a lifetime ago, I still think of her often.
How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard. - Winnie the Pooh
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