
To Make Love Last, You Must Follow the Rules
To Make Love Last, You Must Follow the Rules
To Make Love Last, You Must Follow the Rules
Almost nine years later after we said our vows, I am still confident that I married the RIGHT person. If you have been married before and married again, you know exactly what I mean. I want to make sure that we continue to be happy, feel valued and fulfilled.
Get Your Man Some ‘Mangerie’ For Valentines Day
Get Your Man Some ‘Mangerie’ For Valentines Day
Get Your Man Some ‘Mangerie’ For Valentines Day
Ladies, are you wracking your brain trying to figure out what to get your guy for Valentines's Day? Even though you are almost out of time to order the perfect gift, just make it Valentines Day month and you'll be good. How about a gift the is sexy and silly??
Tell Me.....
Tell Me.....
Tell Me.....
Do you want to hear "I Love You" on Valentine's Day? To tell you the truth, it's wonderful to hear, but we say it all year long. There are SO many other things we would like to hear our special someone say to us that say 'I Love You' in other ways.
Leslie Puts the Love For Her Children To Music
Leslie Puts the Love For Her Children To Music
Leslie Puts the Love For Her Children To Music
I have been blessed with 3 amazing, beautiful children and have also been blessed with a wonderful, beautiful 'bonus' daughter. I still find it hard to believe that God would trust ME, with all my weaknesses and mistakes, to care for these precious souls. Being their mother is a job I was in NO WAY prepared for but the best job I have have ever had with daily rewards that are utterly priceless.  

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