Ron Rhodes has his famous "Funky Fruit" segment each morning on Eyewitness News Daybreak, and it looks I could start my own "Naughty Vegetables" segment.

I've only tried growing a garden a handful of times. We had a small backyard at our house on the north side of Evansville and tried growing a couple of pepper plants in pots, but didn't get much of anything from them. When we moved into our current house in Newburgh, which has a much bigger backyard than our old house, three years ago I decided to take another crack at it, so I built a roughly eight-foot by four-foot garden box and have tried more peppers, some cucumbers, and tomatoes. Again, with mixed results. I didn't mess with it last year but decided to give it another go this spring.

This time I decided I'd plant things I know we'd eat, so I went with a few broccoli plants, carrots, onions, three bell pepper plants, and a jalapeno plant. Tuesday evening I went to water it and noticed a few bell peppers and several jalapenos were ready to be picked. There was also the top of a carrot or two peeking through the soil, so yanked those out of the ground and did a little inspection of the other carrots to see if they were ready too. I decided they all were and proceeded to harvest them. Here's the thing, I had never planted carrots before, so I read over the planting instructions on the seed pack when I planted them in late April. It suggested "thinning out" the plants as they grow to prevent them from growing together. Guess what I didn't do?

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Most of what I pulled Tuesday evening were single carrots that look like the kind you buy at the grocery store. But there was one that was clearly different. When I pulled it from the ground I thought it looked like a pair of legs connected to the lower half of a body. Kind of like a zombie movie where one of the zombies gets their top half blown off, but the nerve endings still allow the legs to take a few steps before it collapses. Then I flipped it over to discover a hilarious surprise.

Maybe it's just the way my brain works, but what I saw appeared to be a somewhat "anatomically correct" vegetable. Take a look and see if you think the same thing.

Ryan O'Bryan
Ryan O'Bryan

Am I wrong, or does that look like what I immediately thought it looked like? If there were such a thing as "girl carrots" and "boy carrots," this one would definitely be a boy.

Truth be told, this isn't the first crazy carrot I've pulled this year. A couple of weeks ago I pulled what I call an elephant carrot and a chicken foot carrot.

Ryan O'Bryan
Ryan O'Bryan

My plan is to plant more carrots again next spring. And, if you think I'm going to thin them out again next year, you're wrong. I want to see what other crazy shapes I can get.

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