I HATE snakes.  I can't tell you how I despise them.  Even small non-poisonous ones freak me out.  So an escaped cobra alone is a reason for me to NEVER go to New York.

Bronx Zoo Cobra

The highly venomous cobra, which made headlines after she escaped from her holding cage in the Bronx Zoo last Friday, was captured Thursday morning in a dark corner of the Reptile House, according to Bronx Zoo officials.

During her week on the lam the Egyptian Cobra has become a world-wide celebrity, and a joke Twitter account set up on the snake's behalf now has about 200,000 followers.

The Egyptian Cobra's venom is so poisonous, it can kill a human in just fifteen minutes. So, while many have cheered the cobra's new-found freedom, it's probably a good thing this snake is back in her cage.

Watch the Original News Report From the Associated Press

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