Mickey's Kingdom Playground is set to become a main attraction of the Evansville riverfront upon it's completion, and organizers are giving residents a real sense of ownership by inviting them to be a part of the building process during a 10 day community build beginning Saturday, September 14th!

Companies, church groups, youth groups, families, and individuals are all welcome to stop by as many times as they can over the 10 day period and get their hands dirty digging holes, putting together and raising playground equipment, or any number of tasks that will be required to complete the project.

Originally called "Kid's Kingdom 2," Mickey's Kingdom will be named after Mickey Phernetton, the daughter of Evansville Police Department Sergeant and 911 Gives Hope founder, Pat Phernetton, and will replace the original Kid's Kingdom on Waterworks Road which is scheduled for demolition as part of the city's Renew Evansville water and sewer restoration project.

If you're interested in lending a hand, organizers encourage you (and whoever may join you) to sign up during Mayor Winnecke's next Travelling City Hall meeting set for this Wednesday at the playground site between the Evansville Museum and the Sunset Park tennis courts. The meeting begins at 5:30 p.m. and is scheduled to last until 7:00.

For more information on getting involved in the community build, contact Catie Taylor at ct37@evansville.edu.


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