While scrolling through Instagram, a friend of mine posted about something really cool she put up in front of her house, a little free library!

Jillian Shade
Jillian Shade

My friend Jillian posted a photo on Instagram of her Little Free Library, so I had to tell you about it! I have heard about the Little Free Library movement before, and basically it's just a way to share books with your community that you love. People are welcome to take a book to read, people are also welcome to leave a book if they'd like.  It's a fun way for people in the community to share books.

I asked Jillian what the inspiration behind the library was and she said:

My inspiration came from a family vacation. My family goes on vacation to Holland Michigan sometimes and they have little free libraries all over the place! Some of them had a plaque that had the web address www.littlefreelibrary.org so I looked it up and found out it's this huge nonprofit movement to build community. We bought our house on mulberry street this summer and I thought it would be perfect if I put one up too! This street already has a community feel to it but I wanted to contribute something whimsical that people of all ages could enjoy.




So how does the Little Free Library work exactly?

Basically it works like this, you can take a book, leave a book or both! I had the books donated so even if someone wants to get a book and doesn't have one to leave, that's okay! I don't want people to feel like they have to leave a book. If they want to return it they can or they can keep it and maybe visit another time and drop off a book. It's relaxed! I want my kiddos to grow up appreciating the love of reading and sharing that love with people in the community. I know that's cheesy but I think reading is so important! I also advocate for reading actual books, not just books on an iPad or kindle. I want people to know what it's like to read and treasure a physical book! I still have many books from my childhood that I read to my son and they are prized possessions. I want other people to know what that feels like.

I went and checked out the Little Free Library website, and I found there are actually a few here in Evansville. Jillian's happens to be located on Mulberry Street, near the State Hospital Park.  So if you happen to be around that area and want to check out what books she has, or donate a book, she would be more than happy to have you stop by and check out her Little Free Library!

If you'd like to find one closer to you, check out this interactive map from the Little Free Library website, there's actually a few here in Evansville and chances are there's one not too far from you!

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