Evansville's Kids Kingdom 2's groundbreaking ceremony was held this morning. At the ceremony, we found out the playground's new name. 

Travis Sams
Travis Sams

What you see above, is the lot in downtown Evansville. This lot will be the future home of Kids Kingdom 2. Mayor Lloyd Winnecke and Police Chief Billy Bolin spoke about the upcoming playground and how it came about. They even announced the park's new name- Mickey's Kingdom.

This, of course, named after the inspiration behind 911 Gives Hope, Mickey Phernetton. Chief Bolin also mentioned that Mickey's Kingdom will be an all inclusive playground for children of any ability. Construction will begin later this year.

Travis Sams
Travis Sams


You can see the full groundbreaking ceremony and hear about how Kids Kingdom originally got started and the inspiration behind the name change for Kids Kingdom 2 in the video below.

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