Kentucky Dog Gets Salty Attitude When Told He Can’t Play Outside and It’s Too Dog Gone Funny [WATCH]
Our dogs are just as much a part of our family as our kids. If you think about it, there are many similarities. We have to take care of them by providing them shelter, feeding them, taking them to the doctor, play with them, teach them and give them love. We also have to handle their discipline them, give them boundaries, and deal with their little attitudes.
See, super similar. One is just hairier than the other.
Just like kids, every one of your pets has different personalities. Each with their own needs and dislikes.
Take Bane, for instance. He is an incredibly handsome and dramatic dog. Bane lives in Owensboro with my friend TJ and her family.
When Bane wants something, he will not give up until he gets it. He will verbally argue with his bark, ignore TJ, pace back and forth, pout and even hide behind the couch.
TJ posted a video of Bane trying to get her to let him go outside. In the video, you can see he is super frustrated. Keep in mind, this dispute has been going on for 6 hours.
She refuses to let him go outside because, number one, it's raining, and number two, he only wants to go outside to chase a rabbit around the yard.
Fro the look on his face and in his eyes, he’s not going to let anything stop him from getting outside, especially TJ.
It's hilarious the way TJ and Bane go back and forth. He acts like a freakin kid who can't have his friends over to spend the night. Or, a toddler that can't the candy bar at the store.
Take a look. Bane is quite the character.
TJ gave me a little info about her incredible dog.
Bane is 6 years old...he is always in a good mood and will holler and scream if he doesn't get his way. We have to keep the window blinds in the living room raised when we are gone during the day because he is so social he loves to talk to people who are taking their daily walks in our neighborhood. People actually will stop and wave at him.
Oh, Bane! You are a good boy.
Wait, is your dog on the obedient list?
RANKED: Here Are the 63 Smartest Dog Breeds
Ok, maybe your dog is on this list instead. LOL
LOOK: The least obedient dog breeds
Here are some pretty cool dog facts.
Check out these 50 fascinating facts about dogs: