When playing with kids, you know that they can come up with the craziest ideas. What seems mundane and ordinary, turns into awesome and hilarious.

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Lydia is a child that is not only creative, but so funny. No matter what she is doing, it's always photo and video worthy. Remember when she got a comb stuck in her hair? She literally had THE cutest reaction ever.

She just can't help her extreme amount of cuteness. It is just the way she is. I see future entertainer written all over her. If only I was still in Princeton so I could direct her in future plays and musicals.

To make a kiss turn from just a kiss to an adorable kiss, she invented the Firetruck Kiss. Take a look.

I can't get enough of Lydia's cute creativity. I'm just waiting for the videos to start coming in from her little sister. This kind of super creativity runs in her family. Both of her parents, Todd and Beth were former students of mine.

When my son, Hayden, was little. I made up a kissing game, just so he would actually kiss me.

The game involved our faces being like a bull's eye. Different parts of our faces were worth different points. For instance if you kissed someone on the forehead it was worth 1 point, the chin was 25, the cheeks were 50 and the lips were 100 points.

Knowing he was extremely competitive, I knew he would peek in order to win the 'game'. Which meant, I got all the kisses I wanted and I would be the real winner.

More cute kisses from Tristate kids.

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