Indiana City Named One of the Rudest in the Nation
A website recently ranked the top 50 rudest cities in the country, and one city in Indiana made the list.
Rude people are everywhere, let's be honest. You tend to find more of them in bigger cities because everything is more fast-paced, people are in a hurry, and tend to only look out for themselves. However, even in smaller towns, you will still run into a few rude people. When you think of Indiana, is there one city, off the top of your head, that is ruder than the others?

Recently, a new ranking came out of the top 50 rudest cities in America. Business Insider and Survey Monkey put this list together with a survey of more than 2,000 American adults, asking them to choose the five rudest cities in the US from a list of the 50 biggest cities.
It should not come as a surprise that the rudest city in the country is New York City. Having been there a handful of times myself, it didn't take long to realize that I wasn't in Indiana anymore. Not just because of the big skyscrapers all around me, but the rude people that you would see around every corner. However, when it comes to this list, I was curious if any cities in Indiana found themselves on the list of the rudest cities in America. As it turns out, there was one.
Which Indiana City Was Named One of the Rudest in the Nation?
Coming in at number 27 on the list is Indianapolis, Indiana. Shocked? Here's what Business Insider had to say:
<p>3.1% of respondents thought Indianapolis had the rudest inhabitants.</p><p>Earlier this year, a rude sign appeared in Indianapolis calling people out for littering in the area.</p><p>The sign said "we love litter," which <a href="https://fox59.com/2019/03/13/community-members-split-on-signs-that-show-a-rude-hand-gesture-about-litter/" rel=" nofollow" data-analytics-module="body_link">Fox59 reported some thought was offensive</a>. Local Andrew Chambers said people should have cared more about trash than a rude sign, but they didn't. "They do care more about the sign because the sign is sending an actual message to people and the trash can't speak," he said.</p>
Earlier this year, the website Travel A Lot found the rudest city in each state, and it wasn't Indianapolis that was named the rudest city in Indiana. In fact, Bloomington took that spot, which you can read about by clicking here. So which is the rudest city in Indiana? Bloomington or Indianapolis? I'll leave that up to you to decide.
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