End of an Era: Holiday World Announces This Classic Ride is Retiring After 33 Years
Holiday World announced that after 3 decades, one popular ride is retiring, but they hint that something else is coming.

Holiday World & Splashin' Safari
Located in Santa Claus, Indiana sits Indiana's most popular theme park. Holiday World opened in 1946 (then it was Santa Claus Land) and has won countless awards over the years for being among the cleanest and friendliest parks around. Not to mention their award-winning coasters. Holiday World is also known for their free parking, free sunscreen, and free soft drinks to really give you the most bang for your buck.
Saying Goodbye to a Classic
Holiday World and Splashin' Safari took to Facebook today to announce that after 33 years in operation, Holiday World would be retiring one classic ride, Raging Rapids. If you've never ridden Raging Rapids (where have you been??) it's a family-friendly ride where 8 passengers ride on a boat through rapids and geysers.
This four-minute family ride is a soaker and lots of fun on a hot summer day. Raging Rapids starts off in a twisty subterranean tunnel then floats lazily for a bit. Watch out for those geysers!
Then … hold on tight!
As a kid I always loved Raging Rapids, it was the perfect ride to hop on during a hot summer day. However, they weren't lying, you got soaked when riding this ride. Unfortunately though, after entertaining tons of guests over the years, Raging Rapids is officially retiring.
Holiday World took to Facebook to make the announcement:
After 33 years and millions of happy memories, Raging Rapids has officially retired. We know this attraction means a lot to our Guests, and it does to us too. While this may feel like an ending, it’s just the beginning. We intend to return the sound of laughter to Boulder Canyon as soon as we possibly can.
Holiday World does add a bit of a cliffhanger with this announcement by saying "it's just the beginning." What could they possibly have up their sleeves? I guess we will have to wait and see! But if I know Holiday World, my guess is whatever is coming will definitely not be disappointing!
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