If your last name is Smith, chances are you've met other Smiths in this area that you aren't related to, and it doesn't come as much of a surprise when you meet someone with your same last name. But have you ever wondered what the most common last names in the area are?  Well wonder no more! 



I found this fancy website that tells you a lot of interesting information about where you live. They even have the top 50  last names in Evansville!

Here they are!

  1. Smith
  2. Johnson
  3. Williams
  4. Brown
  5. Miller
  6. Jones
  7. Martin
  8. Moore
  9. Davis
  10. Wilson
  11. Thomas
  12. Hall
  13. Jackson
  14. Taylor
  15. Clark
  16. White
  17. Young
  18. Schmitt
  19. Thompson
  20. Baker
  21. Adams
  22. Carter
  23. Collins
  24. Walker
  25. Harris
  26. Scott
  27. Wright
  28. King
  29. Morris
  30. Robinson
  31. Evans
  32. Payne
  33. Mitchell
  34. Lewis
  35. Gibson
  36. Russell
  37. Anderson
  38. Phillips
  39. Allen
  40. Gray
  41. Hill
  42. Wagner
  43. Garrett
  44. Wolf
  45. Mills
  46. Duncan
  47. Hart
  48. Nelson
  49. Cox
  50. Cook

Wanna see the top 100?  Click here!

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