Halloween Website Guides You On How To Celebrate Based On COVID Risk Levels In Your Area
There's a new website that will tell you current COVID risk levels in your area, and all the safe ways to celebrate and get in on some Halloween fun based off of those risk levels.
It's no secret that this year has been unlike anything we have seen. This "new normal" is still pretty new and we are still finding ways to try to enjoy things that we used to in the past. Halloween is one of those things that people are wondering how it will go on. Halloween 2020 will feature a full moon, a blue moon, daylight saving time and Saturday celebrations. But how will we be celebrating with COVID also in play?
Halloween2020.org helps to answer that question for you depending on the area you live in and the COVID risk levels there. Once you see the risk level from your area, celebrate safely by selecting one of the activities they have listed for that particular risk level and adhering to the Halloween Safety guidelines in alignment with the CDC social distancing recommendations.
You might be curious where we in the Tri-State land on the risk levels and suggested activities for Halloween 2020. I took the time to lay that out for you to help give you an idea for Halloween suggestions. If you don't see your area listed in the gallery below, you can visit Halloween2020.org to see what your risk level and suggested activities are.

Tri-State Risk Levels and Activities For Halloween 2020
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