Summer’s First Full Moon is the Buck Supermoon Here’s When to See it Over Indiana and Kentucky
It's officially summertime, and the first full moon of the season will be here soon, and it's a supermoon!

Officially Summertime
It's officially summertime! The time of year we get to enjoy more time outside, swimming, cookouts, and fireworks. The first official day of summer (summer solstice) falls on June 21st, so when can we look forward to the first full moon of summertime? Well, it won't be long, as the Full Buck Moon is coming up at the very beginning of July on July 3rd and will make the perfect backdrop for our 4th of July fireworks displays! Even though the full moon falls on the 3rd, the moon will appear full to our eyes for about 3 days.
The Full Buck Supermoon
Each full moon has a different nickname, and the full moon that falls every July is known as the Full Buck Moon, and this year the Full Buck Moon is also a supermoon. According to Almanac, a supermoon is when the moon is closer to Earth than at other points of the year making the moon bigger and brighter from our vantage point. There are only 4 supermoons this year and July's Buck Moon is one of them!
Why is it called the Full Buck Moon?
July's moon is referred to as the Buck Moon because this is the time of year bucks start shedding their antlers. Almanac explains:
The full Moon in July is called the Buck Moon because the antlers of male deer (bucks) are in full-growth mode at this time. Bucks shed and regrow their antlers each year, producing a larger and more impressive set as the years go by.
So there you have it, be sure to look up to the night sky on July 3rd and catch a glimpse of the full Buck Supermoon!
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