Finally, the Push Pops That Adults Have Been Waiting For
Move over boring, kiddy, orange sherbet push pops, it's time to party with the adults!!!! #frozenliquor #boozysorbet
The Buzz Pop website lists these flavors -
Pink Paradise, Blueberry Mojo and Southern Belle. We have added creative new items for our clients including a Behold the Gold Sorbet, Margarita Sorbet, Cosmopolitan Cocktail Sorbeto, Mandarin Oriental Sorbet, Strawberry Lime Sorbet and Watermelon Chili Sorbet. When the dust settled, seventy-five new flavors had been created which will be produced in limited quantities based upon the season they fall into.
THE GOOD NEWS - The push pops are just 100 calories, Vegan AND Gluten Free, Fat Free, Kosher, 5 Carbs (KETO DIETERS REJOICE), Real Fruit, Top Shelf Alcohol (YES)!!
BTW, the pops have more alcohol content them a glass of wine! WHAT?!?!?! I'm sold!!
THE PRICE? About $10 a POP!! Order yours HERE!
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