Evansville’s LST Featured in Call of Duty WWII
A big piece of Evansville history has it's own spot in the latest Call of Duty game.
Evansville has a really interesting history, especially around WWII. Many LST's of that time were actually built right here in Evansville. LST's were an essential part of our military during WWII, and Churchill is even quoted as calling them "the ships that won the war."
The LST 325 is docked in Evansville, and is available for tours. But it has a really cool history. LST 325 was on site in Normandy on D-Day, and is the last operational LST in existence, so it's really cool to see such a special piece of history featured in Call of Duty! If you wan to learn more about LST 325 or tour the LST, check out their website, here.
Now if you're a Call of Duty fan beware this is a SPOILER because it shows the ending of Call of Duty WWII!
You can see the full ending in the video below!