Evansville Girl Scouts Looking For Volunteers to Help Clean Up Green River Road on Saturday
Girl Scouts Troop 5 noticed along North Green River road, a lot of litter so they have decided to take matters into their own hands, and begin cleanup efforts along North Green River Road. Here's how you can help!
Here's what they have to say about the event this Saturday
Join us on Saturday July 8th, with Girl Scout Troop 5 in the Troop 5 Movement Project Getting the Community Involved, as we cleanup areas on North Green River Rd. The fields are always filled with litter and we thought that it would be a great idea to get the community out there to raise awareness about liter, environmental factors and working together to create a better Evansville environment for our generation and generations to come.
We will start cleanup around 8 am until around 12pm noon, with water breaks and snack breaks between. Most supplies provided, such as gloves, scoopes, and trash bags. If you would like to donate your time or knowledge of information on environmental facts, crafts, and information for everyone, we would greatly appreciate it!. We hope to have WKDQ join us with music while we clean up and move our groove and even a bounce house!
If you would like to donate or need more information or to let us know you will be there, click going or interested, send us an email or message and we will be glad to get you more information!
We look forward to getting out there and helping clean up Evansville with Troop 5 Movement: Project Getting the Community Involved!
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