Diva Cat Sums Up How We All Feel About Mornings [VIDEO]
As I was scrolling through my Facebook feed, I came across a video that a former student of mine posted of her cute, diva cat, Ti Rat.
Ti Rat could literally be the new grumpy cat. She has one expression and that is ticked. It cracks me up. I can totally relate to this video of Ti Rat being woke up. I think you will relate too.
And, she snores like a sailor.
Its ok, Ti Rat, I need a C-pap machine too.
I asked Nikki to give me some background on this very grumpy and amazing cat.
Her name is Ti Rat (short for Petite Rat) and I call her Potato sometimes. She's 12. She's a Tonkinese cat. She was born in a kitten mill in Canada. My friend rescued her and I took her because I had a better set up for having a kitty. She's also definitely a people cat....loves everyone...she's definitely the most bizarre cat I've ever owned. Another crazy thing she does: she loves to snuggle under covers to keep warm. In fact, she'll meow super loud while sitting next to a pile of blankets until I help her get under them.
Ti Rat and Nikki live in Alaska where Nikki is a 2nd grade teacher. On occasion, Nikki will put clothes and costumes on her little grumpy diva and her reaction is hilarious.
Ti Rat, the Diva Cat, In Costumes Will Make Your Day
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