Cops Shut Down Girls’ Lemonade Stand
We are in the midst of some pretty hot weather here in tri-state and a lot kids might have their sights set on Holiday World and Spalshin' Safari but, how do they raise the money for the tickets? I know, just what we used to do when we were kids, open a lemonade stand on the fron lawn, right? Wrong, according to police in Midway, Ga. Three local girls including 10-year-old Skylar Roberts and 14-year-old Casity Dixon opened the stand in hopes of raising enough money to go to a local waterpark. The girls were all set up and open for business when Chief Kelly Morningstar and a deputy happened by the stand. Ten year-old Roberts said, "they told us to shut it down". "It's kind of crazy that we couldn't sell lemonade," added 14 year-old Dixon. Apparently, the girls needed a business license, peddler's permit and a food permit which cost $50 per day or $180 per year. Morningstar and the mayor defended the shut down saying the law is the law and they were in violation of that law. Plus, according to Chief Morningstar, they did not know what was in the lemonade and there could have been a health risk....ok, whatever. News spread quicky through the town and the girls received an outpouring of support; in fact, the local newspaper, The Coastal Source, provided the girls with tickets to the waterpark. All's well that ends well. The girls are now doing chores around the neighborhood to make make money, which is a good thing because we all know that selling lemonade just crosses a line you just don't want to cross in Midway, Ga.